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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses....

So, this week I've been kind of MIA from all of my social media due to a busy, busy time in work. Working so much means I'm constantly tired and lacking the motivation to train, which is a problem I know a lot of people struggle with. So, how do I keep myself motivated and get my ass in gear?

Whenever I think "I'm tired, I've been working all day, I haven't got time, I've got loads to be getting on with etc" I remind myself that these are all just EXCUSES!!!!

It's funny because when I'm feeling tired or lacking motivation, I seem to smash my training sessions and end up so pleased that I made myself go. On friday I experienced the "I've been in work all day and am too tired to go to the gym and it's closing soon so I'll have to rush there etc" feeling, but I had a chat with myself and boy am I glad I did. Once I got there I found out the gym was open until later than I thought and I ended up reaching PR's on my deadlifts, sumo stance leg press and single legged leg press. I was on such a pump that I even smashed a HIIT session on the prowler to finish, to think, I could have missed out on this smashing session if I'd given in to the excuses I had. The feeling of tiredness always seems to go away the minute I step foot in the gym because I always get an adrenaline rush.

ALWAYS enter the gym with a plan or atleast an idea of what your going to train and the main exercises you are going to perform. This helps ensure you smash your sessions in a shorter amount of time and prevents unproductive sessions.

If your constantly using excuses to get out of training, then I'd guess your doing exercises you don't enjoy, which is completely unproductive. The great thing about exercise is that there are so many different varieties of it, why stick to something you hate? mix it up, experiment, get out of your comfort zone and just give things a go. This is something I love to do regularly, it keeps things fresh and interesting, I never get bored of training.

If you have time in the morning's, get your training done then before work, it'll set you on the right track for the day and make you feel super productive before you've even gotten to work. First thing in the morning, your going to be well rested and full of energy, so chances are, you will smash your session and the endorphins will have you raring for the day ahead. Training in the morning always focuses me for the day and makes me productive.

A lot of people find training with a friend or partner gives them the motivation they need, it also creates a sense of commitment to the training session because you don't want to let them down. The only thing I would say about training with a friend or partner is, ensure they are on the same level as you, because otherwise it can become counterproductive if your spending most of your time helping them.

Classes also work in a similar way to training with a partner, it can give the same motivation and sense of commitment, while also being time efficient.

A quick HIIT session is always a back up plan for me if I know I am super short on time, they can be performed in 15 mins if done correctly. Google, youtube, instagram etc are all great for getting HIIT circuit ideas.

Keep going dudes and dolls!!!!! Don't have regrets!!!!

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