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Did I still train with a back injury....?

Sundays are often classed as my rest days, but this time last week I had other ideas.....! My mammy and daddy came up to Cardiff and we went for food and I went slightly over board. I completely over indulged, to the point where you feel like you could be sick at any point and look about 6 months pregnant!!! I then stupidly decided to swap my rest day for the Monday, so off I trotted to the gym....BIG MISTAKE!!!! Sometimes I wonder what goes through that silly mind of mine. Anyway.....I went to the gym about 2 hours afterwards, although, due to my bloated state I couldn't brace my core during lifts and really struggled to gain proper form. I only managed a half assed session and strained my back in the process, but I wasn't aware at the time just how bad it was.

I woke up Monday with an intense pain in my back and it had completely seized up, I was moving like a robot. Luckily it was my rest day and I managed to avoid any heavy lifting in work.

The idea that I would have to miss training sessions and simply rest was driving me crazy, so I continued to go to the gym for the rest of the week, but simply stuck to light cardio on Tuesday, which was still painful. Wednesday I attempted a leg session, focusing on higher reps and lighter weight, avoiding heavy lifting and exercises that would put an incredible strain on my back, e.g. back squats, reverse hack squat etc. Some exercises I managed to perform safely were, double and single legged leg press, courtesy dumbbell lunges, goblet squats, step ups, Russian split dumbbell squats, cable squats. To my surprise my back was starting to feel a bit better by Wednesday night......Thursday came and I was feeling a lot better, so I decided to do some upperbody exercises, again, focusing on higher reps, lighter weighted exercises. My back wasn't feeling too bad, luckily!

Stupid Stupid me!!!! Friday came and I decided to try deadlifting and barbell lunging.....what a mistake!!! I was once again in terrible pain!! So, it's now Sunday (my rest day) and my back feels almost completely recovered, thank god!!!

So, what I learnt from this experience, is:

1. If your not feeling a 100% AVOID performing heavy exercises that you are more likely to cause injury by performing incorrectly!!

2. Keep active, even if it's very light activity/exercises, because it helps to loosen the muscles.

3. ALWAYS remember to stretch.

4. Using the power plate in the gym is a god send in loosening my muscles by massaging them.

5. Strengthening the core and ensuring to always brace it when performing lifts is SO SO SO important!!!

So guys, if your suffering with an injury, no matter how easy it is to say "I've got a bad back etc so I'm not moving from the couch until it's better." I'm not saying that every back injury is the same, if advised by a doctor to avoid ANY activity, then please do so!!! Otherwise, it may actually be beneficial to go for a light walk and lightly stretch, it'll loosen the muscles and aid recovery. When you have an injury it forces you to get creative, experiment and move out of your comfort zone!!! I've actually enjoyed being forced to try new exercises and get more creative!! Although I'm looking forward to getting back to building my strength with heavier weights and lower reps this week:)

I often get told that eating healthy is 'expensive and boring,' SO, I've decided to use my next blog to show you exactly what I buy on my next big food shop and how much it actually comes to!!!! I want to show you that eating healthy foods doesn't have to be expensive or difficult!! Keep tuned dudes and dolls:)

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