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A single, Welsh bodybuilder in the city....

The past couple of weeks it's just happened that the hot topic of discussion between me and my single girls has been finding love in the big city, so I thought, god forbid, I would create a blog around it *CRINGE*.

I can't believe I'm even writing this and it made me cringe even writing the title.....

Where do I start?!....

I've always been ever the old romantic, reading romantic novels, watching rom-com's and hoping that one day I will get my "happy ever after." It is often said that these types of "fairytale happy endings" don't exist and that it gives girls false expectations, although, I don't think that's the case at all. I personally, don't want the "perfect" person, I want the perfect person FOR ME!!! I understand that every relationship goes through tough times and that it's not always going to be all rosy.

I've always been surrounded by people in relationships, but I feel the more I see even the strongest of relationships fall apart, the harder it is to hold onto hope. Since moving here, I am trying to be more open to the idea of letting someone in, but I do find it very difficult trusting other people. My friend and I went out a few weekends a go, and we met 2 guys, and I am clueless as to why, but I was completely open and honest with him about what I'm looking for etc and we spoke for HOURS. I remember feeling quite liberated, but he hit the nail on the head with one comment...."I saw you as ice to crack", which is exactly how I feel I (unintentionally) come across to guys.

After many discussions with my single friends, we have come to the conclusion that meeting level headed and decent guys is a complete nightmare in a city. I never thought it would be any harder than trying to do so in a small town!!!! I am so grateful to have met some single girl friends to have these girly discussions with and share fears and experiences with. I don't feel like I can be as open and honest with my friends that are in relationships, it feels like there is a slight disconnection there and I feel slightly embarrassed, uncomfortable and self-conscious about it all. Single life can be brutal, it can be lonely and scary, but it can also be a heap of fun and a learning curve.

Being someone that LOVES spending time in the gym environment and purposely spending longer there than needed, just because of the atmosphere and enjoyment that I get from it, does make meeting guys difficult believe it or not. The gym would seem like the best place for me to meet someone, simply because you instantly have something pretty important in common and share the same passion. Although, I find that everyone (including myself) is in the 'zone' and so focused that everyone else in the gym may aswell not be there. I don't go on many nights out, and don't find it effective in meeting the right kind of guy anyway and I don't go on any kind of online dating sites, I am far too suspicious and cynical about that kind of thing. I do always say though, the only place I could possibly meet anyone is in the gym, but is, greasy, sweaty hair, no make-up/just woke up look really going to attract the opposite sex hmmmm? For now, my stay in singleville continues, but I will definitely be keeping you updated on my journey and re-addressing this gym theory....

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